Imada Nakunatte Inai Hito summary:
Haruka Kawarazaki, a young man aspiring to be a manga artist, and Mayuko Kawarazaki, a beautiful woman to whom everyone looks back. They live in a room in a flat, share a meal every night and lay on each other's skin. But they are not husband and wife. A woman whose heart has been broken and a young man who knows it but continues their relationship - a love suspense about a forbidden relationship that you can't stop even when you know it's wrong.
Maybe coming in the next issue
Imada Nakunatte Inai Hito Chapter 33
Imada Nakunatte Inai Hito Chapter 34
Imada Nakunatte Inai Hito Chapter 33
Imada Nakunatte Inai Hito Chapter 34
Chapter name
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