![Introvert Tsubame Wants To Change](/thumbnail/introvert-tsubame-wants-to-change.webp)
Introvert Tsubame Wants To Change summary:
The story is about a university student, Tsubame Takashina, who has no presence, meets a boy, Taisei Kyogoku, and tries to overcome her negative attitude little by little.(https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109457638) (Not included in the Pixiv Series Index)(https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=2005392)
Maybe coming in the next issue
Introvert Tsubame Wants To Change Chapter 23
Introvert Tsubame Wants To Change Chapter 24
Introvert Tsubame Wants To Change Chapter 23
Introvert Tsubame Wants To Change Chapter 24
Chapter name
Time uploaded