Alternative : See You Again ; 樱开二度 ; またぞろ。 ; Yet Again Girls Comedy ; Yet Again
- Author(s) : Horoda
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Feb-01-2025 17:02:44 PM
- Genres : Comedy, School life, Seinen, Slice of life
Matazoro summary:
A teen disaster comedy about 3 girls who failed the grade.After spending nearly a year as a shut-in, Koto enters first year of high school for the second time.Together with fellow repeating students Shiki (held back due to poor health) and Tomoe (held back due to excessive free-spiritedness), as well as the expectation-immune, habitually late grade retention reserve army cadet Kaede, her experience of school life is rather different from the norm, but delightful in its own way.
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